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Updated: Jun 19, 2021

World Unity Week is taking place from June 19th - June 26th. This 8-day online gathering kicks off tomorrow and will be filled with events, presentations, and performances by various heartists, thought leaders, and change-makers from all over the world. This is an amazing opportunity to connect with individuals all over and unite in the oneness that we are.


Watch the World Unity Week Welcome Video Below


Join My Events


Planetary Peacewave

Wednesday, June 23rd, 11:00 am PDT - 12:00 pm MDT - 1:00 pm CDT - 2:00 pm EDT

Click below to join the session at the time of the event


Be the Change: Living in a Love-Centered World

Thursday, June 24th at 7:00 am PDT - 8:00 am MDT - 9:00 am CDT - 10:00 am EDT

Click below to join the session at the time of the event

Shifting our perspective is not always an easy move, especially when we are overcome and flooded by emotions, or stuck in the story of why something is happening and what it means. Though, when we can have awareness of our emotions, courage to take a deep breath, and observe a situation for what it is and not what our mind is telling us about it, we can often see things with more clarity.

When we can say “what is this experience trying to teach me?” it gives us the chance to embrace the opportunity for growth. When we look at a situation and ask “how can I bring more love to this situation?” we are gifted with the opportunity to change the moment entirely by bringing a calm, cool, and loving energy to it instead of the energies of our habitual not always productive reactions.

When we being to change the way we look at things and shift our perspectives about the world we live in, the people around us, who we are, each experience and situation we are gifted with, we may just find ourselves in a whole new and beautiful world.

So my dear friend, may you embrace each moment as an opportunity to grow, to heal, and to experience life in the fullness of what it has to offer.

Lots of Love, Until Next Time.

The Present moment, the Now moment is the only moment that is ever truly guaranteed. Though in our busy world, we often find ourselves living life through the lens of our mind. Absorbed and lost in thoughts of past or future, or thoughts about this moment instead of fully rooting ourselves in the moment to live it.

Science says that we have around 6000 thoughts per day with many of these thoughts being subconscious habitual pattered thoughts that are the same as the day before. The thoughts we think can literally influence each moment that we are in by triggering our brains to release hormones that influence the emotions that arise in our bodies. This means we can become angry, sad, happy, excited, etc. simply by thinking about a certain situation or event. This constant and pattered thinking takes us out of life in the moment and into living life in our heads.

So, how do we get out of the loop of our minds and find a sense of true inner peace? How do we root ourselves, ground ourselves fully in the present moment? This begins by becoming a passive observer to the thoughts we think, learning to observe each thought train, Instead of constantly responding and reacting to them. Awareness of our thoughts and awareness of our patterns is beneficial for us to begin making shifts in a different direction. When we become aware of our mind moving too fast or find ourselves overwhelmed by thoughts of a situation or event, we can bring ourselves back to center, back to balance by grounding ourselves in this now moment through deliberate focus and observation of our surroundings, by observing the sounds off in the distance, by feeling into our body, by feeling the sensations that are arising, and by using our breath as an anchor into the now. In my experience following my breath as I inhale and exhale while looking around me and fully taking in my surroundings has been a very powerful tool to surrender to the Now moment and find true peace.

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