Join the Weekend of Healing from the Inside Out

The Awakening World - Healing from the Inside Out
Show Description: Join Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bradley Nelson and other thought leaders for: Healing from the Inside Out on The Awakening World. For the first time ever, global thought leaders in the energy medicine, plant medicine and alternative medicine space join together on February 18th, 19th and 20th for a weekend of "Healing from the Inside Out" hosted by Scott Catamas, Teresa Collins, and Jennifer K. Hill as part of the "Awakening World" series.
Throughout the events meditation and wellness expert, Khadíjih Mitchell-Polka, will be facilitating live meditation experiences.
Beginning on Friday evening February 18th, from 7:30pm PT until 9:30pm PT, plant and alternative medicine experts, Neil Markey, Clay Kahler and Dr. Beth DuPree will offer their wisdom on the benefits of plant and alternative medicine in combating depression, anxiety and PTSD.
On Saturday evening February 19th from 5:30pm until 9:30pm PT, DEEPAK CHOPRA™ and Dr. Bradley Nelson will be joined by musical guests as they discuss Deepak's latest book and Dr. Nelson shares tools for healing from his best-selling book "The Emotion Code." We will also have dynamic musical offerings from Saturday Night Alive favorites Daniel Bellone and Amma Li Grace. We are also delighted that Paulette Pipe and Ivy Hilton will be providing beautiful expressions of sound, voice and music.
Finally, Sunday morning viewers can tune in and ask questions live of energy healers, Marcus Brown and Nicole Forrest, and connect to live energy medicine healing sessions, as well as hear from transformational coach and author, Mary Jo Lorei, from 10:00am until 11:30am PT
Register at: Https://
Enter Promo code: NEWFRIEND to register as a guest (no cost)
Here is a Promo Video with Scott Catamas and Jennifer K. Hill about the theme:

Global Coherence Pulse
Wisdom, Music & Coherence Cultivation in Community
Saturday, February 19th, 2022
12pm PT, 3pm ET, 8pm GMT
with Jennifer Hill - Om Heals, Shakti Durga & musical guest, Maitreya
During the February Pulse we will explore what energy medicine is and how it can be applied to increase our vitality and well-being.
Australian global thought leader, Shakti Durga, will share research and studies that have begun to demonstrate the measurable difference that energy healing makes in people's lives. She will also provide viewers and listeners with tools they can utilize to empower themselves to heal from the inside out. Maitreya will provide soothing sounds to heal the soul, and Jennifer will introduce us to her new online initiative OM Heals, which matches people with energy practitioners that fit their specific needs.
Join us for this special Pulse Experience
Your Participation Matters!