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Resonance of My Heart

Allow for the Pause

I may not always know what to do, where to go, or what to say,

I may not always have all the answers or clearly see my path,

I may not always feel safe, joyful, or at peace,

But each time I gift myself with a moment to pause and realign with my heart, I open myself up to greater clarity, calm, ease, and peace than my mind alone could have ever known.

When I can trust in nothing else, I can still surrender to the love of my heart which has never led me astray.

Even in the midst of the chaos, the stillness of my heart will guide me home.

As I more deeply trust in my heart, I allow all that I am to realign with the resonant vibration of its magic and majesty.


May your Day Be Filled with Moments to Pause, Breathe, and Feel into the Majesty of your own Heart.

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2 comentarios

24 jun 2022

Beautiful and so timely, Namaste Khadijih

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Thank you Steven!

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