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Out with the Old, In with the New

Happy New Year my dear friends! This wish may feel a little delayed, though I have been living on a wave of all things happening with divine timing and so for me, it seems right on time <3.

What a year 2020 was! So much change, so much growth, so much healing. So many moments filled with themes of acceptance for what is. 2020 was a year of letting go of all I thought I knew to become who I am supposed to be.

At the end of 2019, I knew something big was coming If you read Where was I, What Happened, and Where am I Now? This is a pretty good indication of where I was at that time. Not only was I miserable within my own life situation, but I could feel the pull of something really big. I remember telling my sister and best friend about it. Like I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew a collective shift was on the way. Now here we are at the beginning of 2021 and so much has changed! Collectively and individually.

It has been a while since I set a "New Year Resolution", I often felt that every day should be a time that you are able to start something new, and not just at the start of a New Year. But this year I did set New Year Intentions, mostly because of the divine interventions occurring in my life that told me I should do so. This is why sharing this post now feels so relevant! Here we are, close to the end of the first month of 2021 (can you believe it?) and we have a beautiful opportunity to revisit our New Year Intentions to see how they are fairing.

For my New Year Intentions, I decided that I was done playing small, I was born to shine and that is exactly what I am going to do. I decided that this year I am going to make a sincere attempt every day to be fully present in the now of each moment. I decided I am going to work on deepening my spiritual practice so that I can really surrender my fears and step fully into the journey of my soul. I am going to reach for my own alignment and joy no matter what everyone around me is doing. And every time I fall out of alignment I am going to forgive myself and shift back as fast as I can.

Some days my intentions take a great deal of diligence in self-awareness to keep up with. It takes consistent monitoring of my thoughts and emotions and questioning my reactions to events. It seems that I can immediately tell when I have slipped out of alignment simply by how I am feeling and I can set the intention to get back into alignment as soon as possible. I have also been reminded that it is okay when we fall out of alignment! The best thing for us to do in these moments is to forgive ourselves, forgive the moment, and get back on track as soon as we can. For me getting back into alignment sometimes simply requires reaching for better feeling thoughts and other times it requires meditation, breath, and/or energy work.

I am thankful for the decisions I made at the start of the year, these New Year intentions set the stage for a pretty big shift to take place and helped me to hear my soul asking me to take a step back from being a Ph.D. student. I am so grateful that I listened to this nudge from the Universe. This step back is providing me with the space to be more present with my children and be a better system of support for them as they make their way through another semester of online school. Also, this step back has been allowing me the time and mental space to take a deeper dive on the path of my soul.

Whether you set New Year's resolutions/intentions or not, this is an invitation to remember that we have to opportunity to start over in each moment. Second by second we can begin again, we can start over, we can make a different choice. We don't have to wait for a new day, week, month, or New Year to make a change or to begin something new. So what this means is if you did set New Year intentions, you can reset them in each moment.

I have listed a few writing prompts below as a sort of New Year Intention/Reflection. If you feel called, grab a notebook, journal, or other writing device and ponder the following questions.

  1. Where are you today that is better than where you were a year ago?

  2. What New Year's intentions did you make at the start of this year? Have these intentions felt sustainable?

  3. What can you do right now to revisit and reset your New Year intentions? If your intentions have not felt sustainable how could you rewrite them so they feel more achievable?

  4. At the end of 2021, what creations and manifestations do you want to look back on?

  5. Lastly, write down a few compliments and words of encouragement that you can give yourself to acknowledge the powerful presence that is you and the work you have done to achieve your intentions i.e. I am willing to let go of the blocks that are in my way of achieving my New Year Intentions, I am daily making progress to achieving my New Year Intentions.

Well, my dear friends that is all for today. I hope that you are feeling beautiful and blessed and as always know that you have a soul sister in me. Also, If you have not already feel free to check out my YouTube channel.

Peace, Love, and Blessings <3


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